Our "colour palette”

Our "colour palette”

Our ‘colour palette’ is the idea of classifying each plot according to its characteristics based on several factors, such as soils, terrain, vineyard age, patterns and farming practices, among others.
As if we were painting a picture, we seek different colours, tones and textures.

This has been our practice for many years in order to preserve each plot’s identity, which is why each one’s grapes are harvested individually and processed separately at our winery.
To carry out this work more meticulously, some of the recent improvements at our winery were made to adapt our capacity to the size of the estates and the way they are harvested.

All of this helps us to not only preserve the typicality of each plot, but also to learn and to gain as much knowledge as possible of each one. It is ongoing work that requires a lot of patience, but that deepens our understanding of each plot, allowing us to identify its best virtues and how to enhance them, how they behave in years with different weather, etc. This information has been collected over the years and over the course of many harvests behind us.

This important task directly influences the quality and identity of each of the wines we make, something that is non-negotiable at our winery.

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